Monday, June 02, 2008

Church Music as a Genre, II

One reason we need to think of church music as its own thing has to do with its distinctive sound. Psalm 92 v. 3 commands praise upon a harp "with a solemn sound." It is this solemnity of sound that makes church music sound the way it does, distinguishing it from other genres.

What does solemnity mean? I think it means what most of us think of when solemn church music is heard or mentioned. It does not mean the music is always quiet or controlled as most would the define the word itself (think Geneva Jigs). But the music must be fitting for the praise the Most High. Good church music is often loud and can be energetic. The bottom line is that it is to be solemn in a way that is fitting for worship of our Holy God.

Other kinds of music entertain and divert. Some music is even profound. Church music is not any of these although there is sometimes overlap.

1 comment:

Kent Young said...

You have often mentioned this idea. Of what would you suggest the fence around the genre called church music consist? Would there be certain structural, harmonic, or textural peculiarities? I would love to hear what you think.